Laida Lertxundi

Ways of Telling
Beatrice Gibson, Laida Lertxundi,
Lis Rhodes, Ben Rivers, John Smith,
Alia Syed and Corin Sworn curated
by María Palacios Cruz
Antwerp Art Weekend
19-21 May 2017

Inspired by Lis Rhodes ground-breaking 1978 film Light Reading, this exhibition brings together moving image works from the LUX collection that engage with storytelling and narrative in complex, often mysterious ways. Words are seen and heard, uncoded, undone and questioned. Rebelling against the entrapment of language, these films invite a constant re-evaluation of what and how we see and hear.

With works by: Beatrice Gibson, Laida Lertxundi, Lis Rhodes, Ben Rivers, John Smith, Alia Syed and Corin Sworn. Curated by María Palacios Cruz
